Author: Michael Tilley

by Michael Tilley -

Media smarts

Folks sometimes wonder about the intelligence of us media folks. I was laid off by one of them big newspaper companies, so my IQ must have been below the bar….

by Michael Tilley -

Recycling and gift shops

The urge to save humanity is almost always a false-face for the urge to rule it.
 – H.L. Mencken Recently toured several of the fine museums in Chicago. The city…

by Michael Tilley -

Of game changers and barbecues

The optimist says the HMA deal bringing around 400 new and good-paying jobs to the Fort Smith area is a sign the region can recover from the more than 12,000…

by Michael Tilley -

HMA Center To Bring 500 Jobs To Fort Smith

Health Management Associates (HMA) will operate a regional service center in Fort Smith that will employ more than 500 with average annual salaries potentially exceeding $40,000. It’s just what the…

by Michael Tilley -

Francis and football

We have a new Pope. Or maybe it is that the Catholics have a new Pope and the rest of us have a new celebrity. Which is good, because the…

by Michael Tilley -

Billy says make it pretty

Billy, the old friend from the college days at Arkansas Tech University, called this week to get an update on a previous conversation. He’d traveled into Fort Smith a few…