Author: Michael Tilley

by Michael Tilley -

Shut up and pay up

Let’s consider this mysterious and allegedly absolute cover of confidentiality under which Fort Smith and federal officials discussed the settlement of the city’s Clean Water Act violations – a settlement…

by Michael Tilley -

7 Fort Smith government moves

Solely for the purpose of providing a window into how Fort Smith city staff and the Board of Directors conduct public business, let’s revisit the process to name the water…

by Michael Tilley -

Still on the SOB watch

It’s just another day, really. Another week. Another month. Another year, one hopes, above the daisies and dirt. But this calendar shift comes with an unavoidable remembrance that, honestly, best…

by Michael Tilley -

The big deal about TiFiber

Fort Smith business leaders and officials with the Fort Smith Regional Chamber of Commerce were challenged a few years ago to do a better job connecting with the commercialized technologies…

by Michael Tilley -

The veteran I remember

This week we are to remember the military men and women who served this country — especially those who saw combat and those for whom combat was the last thing…

by Michael Tilley -

Miss Ada said it could be like this

The discussion of how Arkansas Republicans swept the 2014 election cycle will be woefully incomplete if not wholly inaccurate if it does not include in the opening paragraph this name:…