Author: Erik Dees

by Erik Dees -

Learn backwards, live forward

I can still remember learning to drive my first car. My newfound freedom changed everything. It was an exciting right of passage. Although driving equals freedom, the dangers of navigating…

by Erik Dees -

Roots like redwoods

Trees fascinate me. Perhaps it is because I grew up in the home of a tree trimmer. My dad spent his entire working life in trees. I can easily recall…

by Erik Dees -

Instead of keeping peace, make peace

Do these thoughts sound familiar? “I don’t want to tick that person off.” “I don’t have time to deal with people’s feelings.” “Don’t rock the boat.” “Maybe if I ignore…

by Erik Dees -

Manage the mutation

In the 1950s, kids with cystic fibrosis (CF) rarely lived past the age of 10. The lack of understanding of the genetic defect that caused CF left medical researchers aimlessly…

by Erik Dees -

Lessons from a conman

Notorious conman Victor Lustig was inspired for his next great con while passing through France in 1925. Lustig read a local Parisian newspaper article that noted the ever-increasing cost burden…

by Erik Dees -

Make reality-based decisions

In 2008, I decided to go back to school while working full time. Because I was motivated, I assumed I could handle a large course load. I decided to take…

by Erik Dees -

Avoid the collision

I was driving home late at night, anxious to return home. As I passed the car in front of me, it made a sharp turn into my lane without warning….

by Erik Dees -

Check your gauges

I can still remember the feeling of handling the controls of the small plane flying over Beaver Lake. The scenery was beautiful, and the sense of momentary control of the…

by Erik Dees -

Hold the center

As a leader, how comfortable are you with pausing? For me, one of the hardest things you can ask me to do is to stand still when I think I…