Author: Chuck Hyde

by Chuck Hyde -

Approaching community engagement

Northwest Arkansas has a strong history of community engagement. While it’s true that some companies don’t engage the community – either because they haven’t given it any thought or they…

by Chuck Hyde -

What excites and intimidates

In July 2017, a guest speaker asked a room full of CEOs, “How do you manage vitality?” What I recall is the looks on the faces of the executives in…

by Chuck Hyde -

Our noise problem

“Wherever there is judgment, there is noise and more than you think.” This quote comes from the book, “Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment” by Daniel Kahneman, Olivier Sibony and…

by Chuck Hyde -

Gaps don’t get better with growth

The political season is upon us, and a big part of the narrative is about how things are going and the question, “Are we better off today than we were…

by Chuck Hyde -

Everyone has a story

Several years ago, in my stint as CEO of Soderquist Leadership, one of our directors, Gary, brought this truth into our leadership development programs: “Everyone has a story.” I don’t…

by Chuck Hyde -

The coming leadership shift

Come back in time with me to 2005-2007. A dominant conversation among company executives was the pending exodus of the Baby Boomer generation. After all, the leading edge of the…

by Chuck Hyde -

The flip of a coin

What do you think? You need to fill an open position, and you’re given a choice: either follow your established methods for making a hiring decision or scrap it —…

by Chuck Hyde -

Your 2023 plan is wrong

2023 is here, and no doubt, it arrives with much anticipation, hopes, and perhaps fears and will likely involve important choices and even a big bet or two. In many…

by Chuck Hyde -

You can’t be what you’re not around

Generally, every season has an off-season. For example, it’s now the baseball off-season. Off-seasons serve at least two primary purposes: rest and recovery from the season that just concluded and…

by Chuck Hyde -

What’s your incentive?

Is it just me, or are coffee shops always cold? For several reasons, I spend a lot of time in coffee shops, none of which are because I like coffee…

by Chuck Hyde -

A math problem

Imagine a scenario where you discover that what is being executed on a routine, day-in-day-out basis is contrary to the direction set by the CEO. Let’s make two assumptions: This…

by Chuck Hyde -

‘Future-flex’ your business

The 2022 State of Talent Optimization Report is out, and the results are shouting. The Great Resignation (aka, The Big Quit) has dominated headlines. Workers are tired and frustrated, now…

by Chuck Hyde -

Got skills?

In January, the world’s best cyclocross professionals will arrive in Northwest Arkansas, ready to ride (and at times carry) their bikes through some of the most challenging terrain any of…

by Chuck Hyde -

Your eyes and gut will fail you

In 2003, Michael Lewis released his book “Moneyball.” It’s a study of the Oakland A’s and their general manager, Billy Beane, and their analytical, data-driven approach to selecting players to…