Jane English: The Crawfishin’ Candidate

by Talk Business ([email protected]) 196 views 

It appears that Republican Senate candidate and current State Representative Jane English may be known as the "crawfishin’ candidate" based on my blogger colleague Jason Tolbert’s latest post. 

English, along with 19 other Republican state legislators, endorsed Texas Governor Rick Perry’s presidential candidacy back in June, before he officially entered the race.  However, Tolbert noted today that in Perry’s latest press release on Arkansas’ elected officials endorsing the Texas Governor, Jane English’s name was conspicuously absent and based on his recent conversation with Jane English, it appears it was no accident her name wasn’t on the latest list. 

I’m guessing Representative English asked the Perry campaign to remove her name from the list of endorsing elected officials.  Why? Is it because Rick Perry’s campaign is going through a rough patch and English is just a "fair weather" political friend?  Did she not fully review Perry’s public record and now that he’s a candidate she doesn’t like what she sees?  Why did English go back on her word of support?

When an elected official endorses another elected official, it’s a promise of support and giving your word to help the candidate get elected.  Based on removing her name from the endorsement list, Jane English is "crawfishin" on her word and promise of support.

If Jane English will so easily back away from her word and principles in this matter, what other promises is she willing to break for political expediency? Only time will tell.