Field Agent Given Mobile Research Agency Award

by Jennifer Joyner ([email protected]) 185 views 

Field Agent of Fayetteville was named “Mobile Research Agency of the Year” by Market Research in the Mobile World, a global conference series focusing on mobile innovation and high-tech marketing research.

Field Agent was given the award in July at the sixth-annual MRMW North America event in Fort Worth, Texas.

“This award is a tangible way for us to feel like we are bringing something new and useful to the industry,” said Marc Yount, Field Agent partner and chief operating officer. “We are always working hard, but people and companies naturally wonder if their contributions are going to be recognized. When that recognition happens, it feels great.”

The MRMW awards are judged by an international panel comprised of experienced market researchers, respected thought leaders in the field of market research and MRMW Advisory Board members, according to the MRMW–North America website. Winners are chosen based on the judges combined vote, ensuring a fair and transparent selection process.

Practical examples of Field Agent’s mobile research capabilities, including insights on Unilever’s acquisition of Dollar Shave Club and user feedback on Walmart Pay, can be found on the company’s blog, according to a Field Agent press release.

“Field Agent set out to change the way the world collects business information and insights,” Yount said. “With that in mind, we make sure that we don’t get stuck doing the same old things. We are constantly improving our products, and thinking of creative ways to serve our clients. That combination is why I think we were recognized by MRMW as the Mobile Research Agency of the Year.”