In Walmarts Backyard, OmniiX Focuses on Amazon

by Talk Business & Politics ([email protected]) 231 views 

It might surprise you to know that in a sea of businesses catering to Bentonville-based Wal-Mart Stores Inc. there is a company that specializes in doing business with another retail giant.

John W. Collins’ first experience with Amazon as anything other than a customer was underwhelming.

An entrepreneur with a background in finance, Collins had written a book and decided to sell it on the e-commerce site. However, at that time, he had limited understanding of how it all worked. 

“I just listed it and waited for the orders to pour in,” Collins said.

Turns out, that didn’t happen, and it set Collins off on a quest to find the key to success on Amazon — a task that Collins said became a borderline obsession.

In March 2015, he began sharing the fruits of his labor with others when he co-founded a full-service Amazon product management company in Rogers called OmniiX.

It might seem counterintuitive to deal with any other retailer while in Walmart’s backyard. However, Collins says that with thousands of product vendors in the area, many of whom need help with their e-commerce strategy, he feels good about being right where he is.