In Gods Hands

by Talk Business & Politics ([email protected]) 124 views 

Whether or not downtown Springdale reclaims itself as a commercial hub is in God’s hands.

Kind of.

Four addresses along the southwest side of the 200 block of West Emma Avenue — the heart of the old business district — are either owned by, or leased to, the church.

Alpha and Omega Gospel Ministries rents the buildings at 117 and 119 W. Emma Ave., and Iglesia Apostolica De La Fe En Jesus bought the buildings at 121 and 123 W. Emma in a $200,000 package deal in October 2012.

The churches moved in after Donna Mullins, the longtime proprietress of Abbey Antiques, moved out. Landlord Marvin Moles is the one who leases to Alpha and Omega and the one who sold to Iglesia Apostolica.

Whispers assures you we have nothing against the church. But we also know churches don’t generate retail sales, and when a city is trying to recreate a business district, that’s not good.

Keep in mind the four buildings represent 10,987 SF of prime commercial space, and if that space is dormant, then it’s a drain on all the others who are trying to make their cash registers ring.

A source told Whispers the market will eventually dictate what happens to those churches. The rental rate for Alpha and Omega, the source said, could rise to the point where it won’t be affordable to remain there, and real estate prices could rise to where it will eventually make sense for Iglesia Apostolica to sell, as well.