Leith Puts Eight Years of EDGES Work into Book

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Patti Leith, one of the managing partners of Bentonville-based EDGES Inc., has published a book that reflects many of her company’s teachings, strategies and philosophies.

“Judge Not: A Guide to Influence People Who Think Differently” is 140 pages and the culmination of a formal process that lasted nine months. Leith said she worked on the book “meticulously” a half-day per week until it was finished.

“This book has both personal and professional applications,” Patti Leith said. “The predominant theme is business, but there is some personal stuff in there, too.”

In a nutshell, the book outlines six steps to “enable your ideas to be embraced by others and to allow for dialogue that will impact your thinking to be better than it is on your own.”

Essentially, however, the book is a companion piece to the trademarked Inter Face Methods tool EDGES has employed since 2004.

EDGE’s services include everything from business planning and strategic implementation to leadership coaching and development and culture/change management.

The Inter Face tool is designed to teach participants about their own style of personal communication, while also helping them understand and respond to the different styles that surround them.

“As soon as I wrote that, I knew I wanted to write the book,” Leith said.

EDGES was formed in 2001 and its other managing partner is Leith’s husband, Ken.

Their client list is broad in scope and size, ranging from J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc. to a local pediatric clinic that employs 10.