Fayetteville Businesses Applying For Licenses
Since Fayetteville started taking applications Aug. 1 for business licenses, 495 had been received as of Aug. 16, said Jessie Fulcher with the city’s planning department.
All businesses in Fayetteville must have a license by Oct. 31, unless they qualify for an exemption.
Fulcher said the city expected to see a big push in applications initially, and then a lull before a final rush as the deadline nears.
He said no one knows how many businesses currently operate in Fayetteville. An estimate last year of about 3,000 likely didn’t include home-based or Internet-based businesses, he said.
The fee for non-home-based businesses is $35, or $32 if the application and payment are made online. For home-based businesses, the fee is $22, or $20 with online application and payment.
More information is available at www.accessfayetteville.org.