The 2011 Class of Fast-Trackers

by Talk Business & Politics ([email protected]) 126 views 

Maybe it was the result of a picturesque spring day. Maybe it’s because the cover photo for our third Fast 15 class was taken with the Fayetteville Farmers Market serving as the backdrop.

Whatever the reason, one of our staff members was reminded of the opening line of a Robert Frost poem, “Nothing Gold Can Stay.”

“Nature’s first green is gold,” it reads.

Amazing the way Frost captured the promise of spring (and youth) in just a handful of syllables. Likewise, the Northwest Arkansas Business Journal celebrates the potential of the 15 twentysomethings who appear on the following pages, even if we weren’t quite as succinct.

Regardless, like spring, these men and women remind us that youth often includes the thrill of endless possibilities. That is true whether they work at an industry giant (Tyson Foods Inc.), an expanding family business (Chandler Equipment Inc.), or an entrepreneurial enterprise (MerchantView).

Those familiar with Frost’s poem, of course, know he didn’t build on the promise of that opening line. Instead, he explored the inevitabilities of age and nature.

With apologies to Frost, though, we’re not doing that here. This section is devoted to recognizing the accomplishments of a group that’s already convinced their peers and employers they are on the fast track to success.

And the best part, perhaps, is what remains in front of them. Because unlike spring leaves that someday will fall, we believe the Fast 15 has staying power.


To see profiles of this year’s class, click on a name below:


Chris Chandler

Josh Clemence

Stuart Collier

Jennifer Ford

Matt Hartness

Michelle Hurst

Derek LaFargue

E. Conner McNair

Clarke Moore

Tracy N. Rowan

April Segebruch

Susannah Shinn

Vincent Straszewski

Jeannine S. Wheeler

Denny Woods