Revolution Technology makes waves with ‘holy grail of data’

by Talk Business & Politics ([email protected]) 74 views 

Tim Lee and Revolution Technology LLC of Rogers are once again making headlines – and the news could be revolutionary in nature. At least to the real estate industry, that is.

As we wrote last June, the company had been expected to be at the forefront of a new technology called Virtual Office Website.

Alternately talked about as the “holy grail of data” and “foreshadowing the future of real estate technology,” VOW is described by Lee as a free service whereupon users create an account on a secure Web site in exchange for access to a wealth of information – including the market value of homes sold in the last 12 months.

Lee’s Revolution Technology is reportedly the only company in Arkansas offering this service. Lee, the group’s CEO and founder, said only six Arkansas real estate firms will have access to his company’s technology in the immediate future (the first site went live June 21) but more will be added.

With this advancement, Lee believes consumers will have the opportunity to learn far more about what their house is really worth. For buyers and sellers alike, he views this as an incredibly important development.

“We’ve been a leader in real estate technology for a long time,” Lee said. “This is where the future of real estate is going.”