Local Restaurateur Says ?Get Aggressive?

by Talk Business & Politics ([email protected]) 47 views 

In terms of entertainment value, organizers of the Northwest Arkansas Economic Summit might have saved the best for last in terms of speakers at the two-day event’s opening session.

A group of four local businessmen addressed a crowd of about 50 to 60 at the Holiday Inn Northwest Arkansas and Convention Center during the early-morning session, capped by Marketplace Restaurants co-founder Dave Godwin. Godwin kept his portion of the program lively by mixing a handful of one-liners with a video clip from a reality TV show.

The show featured a man trying to find something to drink in the desert. When the man came across a dead camel, let’s just say his approach to quenching his thirst was, um, aggressive.

Godwin peppered his speech with plenty of real-life experiences, too, giving valuable insight into the ways he’s tried to keep his business profitable at a time when restaurant sales have taken a big hit. In at least one way, Godwin mirrored the attitude of the TV clip.

“Now is not the time to be passive,” Godwin said. “Be aggressive.”

Godwin then outlined some ways he’s trying to do just that at Marketplace. They include using improved technology to boost its catering business, exploring the possibility of entering the retail market, considering value-pricing on its menu, and potentially entering the consulting industry.

Springdale Chamber of Commerce president and CEO Perry Webb said Godwin’s message was on-target despite the tendency of many business owners and operators to be overly cautious during rocky economic times.

“I agree with that totally, and yet it’s very difficult to practice that,” said Webb, explaining how the powers at the Springdale Advertising and Planning Commission wrestled with the idea of cutting its budget due to a decrease in revenues from the city’s “bed tax.”

“When you’re depending on the advertising to generate business, how do you cut that advertising to meet your budgets?” Webb said.

“It’s a balancing act that’s going on in everybody’s minds. Everybody knows you have to be aggressive, but how far can you stretch that dollar, and how creative can you be in being aggressive?”