The Right Fit (Editorial)

by Talk Business & Politics ([email protected]) 64 views 

We congratulate Sen. Blanche Lincoln on being named chairman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry recently. She’s the first Arkansan and the first woman to head the committee.


She now occupies a position that could have great impact in Arkansas, and we trust she will use her new power in the best interest of agriculture in not only our state but also all across America.


No one can question Lincoln’s deep love for farming and the people who farm for a living. We can’t think of anyone better for the job than this seventh-generation Arkansan and farmer’s daughter.


Both her upbringing and her experience of more than a decade on the Senate Agriculture Committee — and on the House Committee on Agriculture before she was elected to the Senate — mean she has a keen understanding of the issues and problems facing those who feed the nation and much of the world.


Right off the bat, she said she wants to open up trade with Cuba, a stand Arkansas Business and the Northwest Arkansas Business Journal has long supported as holding great opportunities for Arkansas farmers. Of course, she cannot do that by herself, but it’s good to know she will press the issue. Another goal is a new farm bill.


“As the chairman, I’m going to again enjoy an elevated opportunity to really help our state, and that’s exactly what I’ll be aiming to do,” Lincoln said.


We have observed Lincoln’s efforts in the past, and she has proven to be a strong voice not only for agriculture but also for food safety and safety net and nutrition programs for children and families.


Arkansas and the entire nation are fortunate to have her leadership.


Lincoln is up for re-election in 2010, and her elevation certainly is a new wrinkle in what is shaping up to be a wild battle among the Republicans to see which one will face her next November. Already, five or six have announced plans to run for the GOP nomination, although some may well back out.


They’ll try to link her with President Obama, who isn’t popular in the state, and her record will be fair game for any opponent. But it will also be fair for Lincoln to remind voters that having one of their own chairing the Agriculture Committee is “a good position for Arkansas.”