Nude Calendar Hits Shelves

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“Hanging Out in Hog Country,” a 2006 calendar featuring several nude Fayetteville business people, was published in October and is on sale for $20 at locations around the city.

Elaine Wade of Ad Hoc Inc. spearheaded the project. The photographs were taken by Don House. Greg Mack of Taylor Mack donated his time for the design. Suzie Stephens provided financial backing for the printing. Part of the proceeds from sales go to Jamerson Forensic Nursing and Investigative Services and a new program called The Healing Path.

Some of the people featured in the catalog are Stephens; Carl Collier, owner of Collier Drug Stores; musician Jed Clampit; Stacey Wieties, owner of Dark Star Visuals Boutique; part of the management team of Ozark Natural Foods; and Robert Ginsburg, owner of Uncle Sam’s Safari Outfitters.

“Some were completely unclad, some were partially unclad, but in all cases, respect and taste (and strategically placed props) were used and emphasized at all times,” said Wade, who was a victim of sexual assault. “Their efforts underscore the importance of reclaiming respect, beauty and joy of the human body … Part of what this project does is raise the awareness of sexual assault.”