Task Force Eyes New Fort Smith Ballpark

by Talk Business & Politics ([email protected]) 132 views 

The city of Fort Smith is swinging for the fence when it comes to the riverfront development.

A task force has been created to help develop a ballpark complex off Clayton Expressway in downtown Fort Smith. Dean Kruithof, deputy city administrator, said the complex would cost $10 million to $14 million.

The complex would cover at least 51 acres on the riverfront, depending on how much more land the city can purchase from the Kansas City Southern Railway Company.

Kruithof said the city hopes to build a softball and baseball complex that would bring in tournaments to Fort Smith from around the region and nation. The economic impact on the downtown area would be “very large,” Kruithof said.

The complex is an answer to the acquisition of Andrews Softball Complex by the National Cemetery, also located downtown. The city wanted to replace the old complex with something that could be regionally used. Kruithof said they would like to have at least most of the construction completed by 2007.