Legislators, Gov. Beebe at odds over budget shortfall fix

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 59 views 

Arkansas’ first-ever fiscal session may not end this week

A plan by legislators to patch $15 million in budget shortfalls for the fiscal year has not gained the support of Gov. Mike Beebe, according to a report from TalkBusiness.net.

Legislators have approved a $4.5 billion plan for the next fiscal year, which begins July 1. The lawmakers opted to only spend $6.3 million from their General Improvement Funds (GIF) to make up for the shortfall. Beebe said that an agreement worked out earlier would have pushed that amount to $9 million.

Roughly $3 million is coming from the Governor’s GIF monies. Legislators made up the other $2.9 million from the state’s unclaimed property fund and state central services, which finance officials warned was “pushing the envelope” on Tuesday. 

Rep. Bruce Maloch, D-Magnolia, says that despite the differences he thinks the legislative and executive branches will pass and sign the measures working their way through the General Assembly. Each chamber approved the Revenue Stabilization Act for the $4.5 billion FY 2011 budget today (Feb. 24). Both chambers are expected to pass each other’s companion bills tomorrow.

However, Beebe seems uncommitted on the supplemental appropriations compromise forged by legislators, according to a spokesman from his office.

When asked if the Governor would sign or veto the additional bills, Beebe spokesman Matt DeCample would only comment, “The Governor is reviewing the bills and will continue to do so.”

Link here for the full report from TalkBusiness.net.