Ms. Adverthinker Reports From SXSW On Digital, Social Media Trends

by Roby Brock ([email protected]) 73 views 

After a lengthy hiatus, Ms. Adverthinker, Emily Reeves with Little Rock-based Stone Ward Communications, is back and blogging with a vengeance.

Reeves is compiling reports from conferences she’s attending on digital and social media trends at the annual SXSW conference in Austin, Texas.

Topics include:

  • Creating content-relevant ads – new experiences in advertising beyond display ads
  • Location and mobile technology – how location apps remain popular and are evolving
  • Photo Sharing Madness – the rising popularity of Instagram, Pininterest, Flickr, etc.
  • Making data make sense – adding data visualization to help with analysis
  • Why Use Google+? – understanding how this tool can be beneficial in light of other competitors
  • Remixing and stealing – how original thoughts are often retreads
  • Doing transmedia right – how media companies are incorporating multiple platforms into their programming.

Reeves will be adding more to her blog as the week’s events unfold and we’ll offer another report in compilation form.

When she returns, we plan to line up an interview with her for more in-depth analysis of SXSW. If you have questions you’d like to ask, feel free to send them to me at [email protected] or contact her directly through her blog.