We like Oprah, again
The polling folks at Harris Interactive say that possibly because of her announcement she will end her show in September 2011, Oprah Winfrey has returned to the top as America’s favorite television personality.
Oprah, believe it or not, was fourth on the list in 2008.
Harris surveyed 2,276 adults online between Dec. 7-14 to compile the list.
“There are definitely some partisan differences. Glenn Beck is the favorite for both Republicans and for Conservatives, but, interestingly, also for Independents. Oprah Winfrey is number one for Democrats and Moderates, while Jon Stewart is the favorite for Liberals,” Harris noted in the survey statement.
Glenn Beck debuted on the list at No. 2.
THE LIST (parenthetical number notes 2008 rank)
1. Oprah Winfrey (4)
2. Glenn Beck (NR)
3. Jay Leno (1)
4 (tie). Ellen DeGeneres (3)
4 (tie). Hugh Laurie (2)
6. Jon Stewart (6)
7. Charlie Sheen (7)
8. Mark Harmon (9)
9. David Letterman (5)
10. Bill O’Reilly (NR)