Chaffee Trust boosts 2010 budget and pushes pay raises
story by Marla Cantrell
[email protected]
The Fort Chaffee Redevelopment Authority budget for 2010 almost doubled from 2009, based on numbers released at the January board meeting held Thursday (Jan. 21).
Last year, the authority’s income was $1.72 million, and is projected to be $2.61 million in 2010. An increase in construction and an expected $1 million in mining revenues – last year mining brought in only $67,450 – caused the number to swell.
The operating budget doubled as well, going from $1.45 million to $2.35 million in 2010.
“Our budget is considerably more than last year. … There’s $1,050,000 worth of construction, development and demolition that’s about $600,000 of the total expenditures,” FCRA Treasurer Bob Bradford said.
While those in the private sector continue to face layoffs and fewer benefits, the eight employees at FCRA received raises. In 2009, salaries totaled $400,000. In 2010 the amount is projected to increase by $40,000 and another $40,000 has been set aside for new staff if needed.
FCRA Executive Director Ivy Owen, who received a $15,000 bonus this year, justified the cost.
“We did quite a bit of research on other comparable operations, budget-wise and personnel numbers. … We were satisfied we needed to do this to keep our employees up to the level with what other people, doing similar jobs in the area, were making,” Owen said.
An increase for insurance coverage was also approved.
Rev. Robert Barry, pastor of Bluff Avenue Baptist in Fort Smith, attended the meeting to discuss his church’s plan to relocate on Chaffee land. The church wants to expand. Barry said the church’s existing location — 2300 Bluff Ave. — is land-locked and in a neighborhood with many sex offenders.
“There are 22 sex offenders living within about a half mile of our church,” Barry said. “There’s a lot of reasons for that. Basically it’s the only place they can live except Fianna Hills, and they can’t afford Fianna Hills.”
The board also welcomed new members Janie Glover, retired vice president of the Fort Smith Regional Chamber of Commerce, and Kelly Clark, general manager of the Walmart Supercenter on Zero Street in Fort Smith.
The next FCRA board meeting is scheduled for Feb. 18.