Pack Rat Sale Brings in $67,000

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The semi-annual clearance sale at Fayetteville’s Pack Rat Outdoor Center brought in $67,000 on Feb. 8, said Scott Crook, the owner.

The 15,000-SF outdoor sporting goods store was only open for four hours that Sunday, meaning the store brought in $223 per minute. Merchandise was discounted from 10 to 50 percent off the regular retail price.

The Pack Rat’s winter sale last year brought in $38,000, but that compares to $77,000 on one day in the winter of 2002. More merchandise was discounted in 2002 because the store was moving to a new location in Fayetteville, Crook said.

The store’s biggest one-day sale was last July when $106,000 in merchandise was sold.

“The reality is we didn’t make that much profit,” Crook said of the July sale, “but we got rid of a lot of seasonal stuff and made room for other things.”

Crook said the Pack Rat brought in $1.4 million in sales last year. That’s up 13 percent from $1.2 million in 2002.

“If we hadn’t had the warmest winter in 17 years, it would have been up a lot more than that,” Crook said of 2003.