VolunteerBentonCounty.org Offers Volunteer Logistics
The United Way of Benton County has developed a Web site to bring volunteers and volunteer opportunities together VolunteerBentonCounty.org.
The organization spent about $3,500 to launch the Web site and expects the monthly upkeep to be minimal. Charlie Coil, marketing director, said the site is “long overdue.” Coil said he’d like to see the Washington County United Way offer a similar site.
The Web site features a list of volunteer opportunities, a list of organizations offering those opportunities, and instructions on how to volunteer. There’s even a special listing of “one-time opportunities” involving big events.
A study done last year by, Independent Sector, a coalition of leading nonprofits, foundations and corporations, found that 44 percent of adults in America volunteer for charitable causes. This translates to 83.9 million American volunteers, representing the equivalent of over 9 million full-time employees at a value of $239 billion.