Howerton to Launch Outdoors Magazine

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Eric Howerton, a freelance writer and former photographer at the Northwest Arkansas Times, plans to launch Get Out Magazine on March 24.

Howerton, who will serve as publisher, said the new magazine will be published six times a year and will serve a broad range of readers who are interested in a variety of aspects pertaining to the outdoors. The magazine’s subtitle will be “Explore your Arkansas outdoors.” And the sub-subtitle is “environmental recreation, education and nutrition.”

Howerton said the first issue will consist of 25,000 full-color, glossy copies and will likely be published in Little Rock, although he hasn’t decided on a printer yet. The cost for the first issue would be about $20,000 for a 64-page issue, but Howerton said the first one probably won’t be that thick.

“We’re definitely going to have at least 32 pages in the first issue,” he said. “We’re going for the whole state of Arkansas. The Ozarks region will be covered heavily. We claim to be the highest quality outdoor magazine in Arkansas.”

Howerton said he’ll have an advertising sales person on staff along with a graphic designer. Most of the copy will be written by freelancers.

The first issues of Get Out will be “complimentary” and will be available at a variety of locations, including outdoor sporting goods stores.

“They’ll be free until we have a strong advertising base,” Howerton said. “I’m just learning as I go.”