Times Headlines Wearing Thin

by Talk Business & Politics ([email protected]) 61 views 

For months now, the Northwest Arkansas Times has been publishing very short Page 1 headlines that tell readers almost nothing about the story underneath.

Recent examples include: “Preservation proposal,” “Face-off,” “Little change,” “No change,” “Parking spot,” “They’re back,” “Schedule story,” “Living history,” “Still growing,” “Green Lights,” “A nail-biter” and “Marshal law.”

Our advice to the Times: Buy a verb.

In the meantime, after putting us to sleep on numerous occasions with the verb “mull” in its headlines, we noticed The Morning News of Springdale recently used the word “ponder” instead in a Page 1 headline. At least the staid old Morning News is trying to liven things up a little bit.

For months now, the Northwest Arkansas Times has been publishing very short Page 1 headlines that tell readers almost nothing about the story underneath.

Recent examples include: “Preservation proposal,” “Face-off,” “Little change,” “No change,” “Parking spot,” “They’re back,” “Schedule story,” “Living history,” “Still growing,” “Green Lights,” “A nail-biter” and “Marshal law.”

Our advice to the Times: Buy a verb.

In the meantime, after putting us to sleep on numerous occasions with the verb “mull” in its headlines, we noticed The Morning News of Springdale recently used the word “ponder” instead in a Page 1 headline. At least the staid old Morning News is trying to liven things up a little bit.