Farm Bureau?s Political Clout Remains Strong

by Talk Business & Politics ([email protected]) 92 views 

Although there’s been a steady decline in the number of farms in the state, there’s been no decline in the influence of what is probably the state’s most powerful lobby, the Arkansas Farm Bureau Federation.

The Farm Bureau has a solid legacy of political influence in a state heavily dependent on the agriculture dollar — nearly $5.9 billion in cash farm receipts in 2001. Agriculture is the state’s single largest industry, making up more than 25 percent of the state’s economy — probably half if forestry is included.

The Arkansas Farm Bureau, the eighth largest in the country with more than 222,000 “member families,” has built its political power from the ground up through bureaus in each county. Membership alone makes it a formidable lobbying group. Those member families translate into nearly one-third of the state’s population, and it gives the organization the attentive ears of lawmakers.

State Sen. Tim Wooldridge, D-Paragould, chairman of the Senate Agriculture, Economic and Industrial Development Committee, said he has attended many local meetings in which farmers have discussed issues and sent their views to the state organization to be put to a vote.

A majority vote at the state organization’s annual meeting decides the policies and positions to take to the Legislature. And there, the Farm Bureau has a remarkable record of success.

“The Farm Bureau represents an ideal of rural Arkansas life,” Wooldridge said. “It speaks for those principles.”

“Legislators still recognize that agriculture is the backbone of the Arkansas economy,” he said.

The Farm Bureau has promoted itself as the voice of agriculture, but the not-for-profit organization is a lot more than just a political lobby. It also has multimillion dollar for-profit business divisions.

The Farm Bureau offers life, health, auto and homeowners insurance through Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Co., Southern Farm Bureau Casualty Insurance Co. and Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Co. of Arkansas Inc.

The combined companies wrote nearly $310 million in property and casualty insurance premiums last year — second only to State Farm Insurance Cos. with $363 million in premiums.

Only members can buy Farm Bureau insurance, which helps explain why its power and membership has not waned despite fewer people on the farm. The number of farms in the state has fallen to 48,000; in 1960 there were more than 103,000.

Also available through the Farm Bureau is crop Insurance, including hail coverage, multiple peril crop insurance and crop revenue coverage through American Farm Bureau Insurance Services Inc. A couple of years ago, the Farm Bureau, through its affiliation with the American Farm Bureau, opened its Farm Bureau Bank based in Sparks, Nev., but with its operations center in San Antonio.

Connected to the Soil

A sizable portion of Arkansans remain closely connected to the rich soil. Many still have relatives or friends who farm, although that number too is declining. But most lawmakers know full well that the state as a whole is deeply affected by anything that affects farmers.

The Farm Bureau feels that its political lobbying mission is to look out for the interest of its members, dealing with issues and policies on a nonpartisan basis.

“The bottom line of farmers is our highest priority,” said Stanley L. Hill, associate director of governmental affairs for the Farm Bureau.

Hill, who has been with the Farm Bureau for more than eight years, said he senses an eroding perception of the value of agriculture, both in the state and in the nation.

“We’re one and two generations away from the farm now, and the Farm Bureau, since last year, is involved in promoting the contributions of agriculture to the state through its Arkansas Foundation for Agriculture,” Hill said.

With term limits, Hill has found his job more demanding as the new faces at the Capitol have to learn about the issues affecting agriculture.

Hill admits the Farm Bureau “tends to be on the conservative side of most issues,” but most of the issues in which it gets involved have a direct impact on the income of farmers and ranchers.

Among the laws the Farm Bureau boasts of having successfully guided through the Legislature are property tax protection; sales tax exemptions for machinery, seed, feed, fertilizer and pesticides; tax refunds for farm fuel; reduction of state taxes — all issues affecting the bottom line. The Farm Bureau sees itself as a protector of private property rights.

“The Farm Bureau keeps its ear close to the ground,” said state Sen. Claud Cash, D-Jonesboro, a farm equipment dealer. “I respect their judgment. It’s pretty well on target, and I’m in agreement with them most of the time.”

State Sen. Steve Bryles, D-Blytheville, who runs a wholesale cotton brokerage, agrees that the Farm Bureau remains an effective influence in the Legislature.

“The Farm Bureau does a good job of getting to the Legislature its stand on issues,” said state Rep. George French, D-Monticello. “Overall, I think they’re just as effective as ever. Most legislators are willing to listen and hear their point.”

State Rep. Jay Bradford, D-Pine Bluff, said he generally agrees with the Farm Bureau, which he said deserves credit for informing legislators on agricultural issues.

“Regarding our farmers as to their future, I cannot think of a more critical time they find themselves in since the 1980s, and they definitely need our support more than ever on the state and national level,” said state Rep. Bobby Glover, D-Carlisle.

Not Without Critics

The Farm Bureau has been criticized for some of its policy stances and even from within the agricultural community for a perceived bias toward large corporate farms over the small family farm.

“That’s a misconception,” said Hill. “There’s a place for all sizes in the Farm Bureau. It’s a mixing pot for all to come together. Our needs are similar.”

Controversy also came out of the annual delegate assembly last November, when Farm Bureau members adopted resolutions:

• Opposing any restriction of local school boards’ control of school policies, regulations and personnel;

• Opposing the shifting of state tax money collected in one are of the state to school districts in another area of the state — a policy aimed specifically at the Little Rock School District.

• Opposing a state-run lottery; and

• Favoring resolving the Lake View school case, in which the state’s educational system was declared unconstitutional, by changing the constitutional requirements on education.