Rogers Check-casher Faces Accusations

by Talk Business & Politics ([email protected]) 72 views 

B&K Check Cashers of Rogers is up before the Arkansas State Board of Collection Agencies to answer a slew of allegations that the company violated the Arkansas Check-Cashers Act. According to a letter from ASBCA Executive Director Peggy Matson to B&K owner Robert E. Rogers, the company is alleged to have violated eight provisions of the Act, including falsifying a permit application, inaccurate disclosure of annual percentage rate on deferred presentment agreements and renewal of a deferred presentment option transaction.

Matson said Thursday that the charges resulted from an audit that she conducted herself. The board’s inspector left and Matson is in the process of hiring another one, she said.

Rogers will have a chance to refute the findings on Feb. 22 at a 9 a.m. ASBCA hearing.