New Arthritis Office Specializes in Osteoporosis
Owner: Dr. Anne Miller
Address: 601 W. Maple St., Suite 213, Springdale 72764
Phone/fax: (501) 751-5305/751-5180
Hours: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Thursday
Start-up date: July 1
After working at the Springdale and Rogers diagnostic clinics for five years respectively, Dr. Anne Miller launched her own rheumatology office in Springdale. She decided to open Arthritis Associates of Northwest Arkansas because her office mate at the Springdale Diagnostic Clinic moved to Louisiana for a fellowship.
Four people staff Miller’s office, which has two exam rooms and a lab. Miller shares space with cardiologists at the Jones Center Clinic.
Most of Miller’s patients, half of whom are 65 and older, followed her practice to the new location. She treats an average of 55 patients per week. Osteoporosis cases especially interest the doctor.
Miller attended college at Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville and medical school at St. Louis University.