Spectral Fusion Seeking Critical Mass

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Spectral Fusion Technologies is shifting from development to sales mode. A technical solutions vendor to food-processing companies, the Birmingham, England, firm makes X-ray sensors used to ensure food quality and safety.

Andy Marshall, Spectral’s chief operating officer, said the transition is what made hiring former Tyson Foods Inc. CEO Wayne Britt key. Spectral is targeting America’s large food-processing market, and to date has acquired six customers, including Tyson.

Spectral, which uses the slogan “making light work,” develops and markets electronic X-ray sensors that can capture high-speed images of products like fish and chicken. The devices actually develop artificial intelligence by using a ground-breaking photo diode sensor and neural computer system. The simple explanation is Spectral’s computers simulate human reason.

A typical application for a Spectral system would be analyzing thousands of chicken thighs as they roll down a processing line. The sensors may be set to reject a certain amount of product believed to have contaminants like a 2 mm sliver of bone. Contaminants that could never be found by the human eye or traditional detectors are easily identified by Spectral. That means fewer false rejects or wasted product.

Marshall said the company’s two stumbling blocks to date have been a skeptical U.S. market and the price of its products. Apparently, earlier detection systems marketed by other vendors disappointed some processors, and Marshall said food firms are leery of getting burned.

Spectral’s strategy has been to demonstrate its product for free, and so far, the firm is batting 1.000 after the free demo. Marshall said that’s impressive since his systems average around $400,000 each, or double that of existing detectors.

“It’s been a tough market to crack, but when we prove ourselves to them the companies are interested and see the value,” Marshall said.

Spectral is in the process of developing additional applications for beef and pork. Britt said the firm will eventually explore Spectral’s potential in other industries.

“It’s like Don Tyson used to say, ‘If you have a good dog, let that dog have pups,'” Britt said.