United Way wraps 2009 campaign; no totals released
Editor’s note: Unlike past years, the United Way did not provide a tally on its collections for the campaign.
story by Linda Kaufenberg
More than 100 friends of United Way of Fort Smith Area gathered at what was billed as a Wrap-Up luncheon held at Thursday (De. 10) in the Fort Smith Convention Center Annex.
“We are here to celebrate giving and sharing,” said Dr. Gordon Floyd, with the Fort Smith Public Schools and 2009 United Way board president. “We have traditionally called this event a wrap-up but it is a misnomer as the campaign continues year round.”
Bill Hanna, president of Fort Smith-based Hanna Oil & Gas, served as the 2009 Campaign Chair for United Way.
“Several companies had significant increases including Arvest Bank, Baldor Electric Company, Cooper Clinic, OK Industries and Weldon, Williams and Lick," Hanna explained.
The 2008 campaign raised more than $2.2 million dollars, which was allocated in 2009 to United Way programs and its 33 agencies.
“This is a time when our community needs us more than ever,” Hanna added. “The companies that had increases were due to their employees who care about the community and help take up some of the slack from companies that have downsized.”
Baldor Electric Co. was presented the 2009 Leader’s Award, the highest honor given to a company or organization recognizing the best in corporate and volunteer support practices. The Baldor campaign realized a 38% increase, reaching $129,000 for the campaign.
Other winners of awards at the Wrap-up Party included:
• Chairman’s Award: Weldon, Williams & Lick. This award traditionally demonstrates support for United Way throughout the year. The company increased its campaign by $10,000 to $118,000.
• New Campaign Award: Littlefield Oil. In its first campaign the company and employees raised $10,000.
• Agency Award: River Valley Regional Food Bank. New this year was an award presented to an agency supportive of United Way events and presentation.
“We still need your help,” Hanna concluded. “Our goal is to be able to meet the needs of the 33 agencies we serve and continue with the community impact programs that United Way coordinates out of its service center. Companies like mine look for opportunities to give back to the community – United Way is the right thing to do.”