Little Rock Tech Research Park Location Debated

by Roby Brock ([email protected]) 60 views 

An oversight panel searching for a location for a proposed research and technology park has whittled its potential site locations to three areas in midtown Little Rock.

The park, which is partially funded by a recently-passed city sales tax, seeks to capitalize on research being conducted by UALR, UAMS and Arkansas Children’s Hospital.

Hubert Tate with our content partner, Fox 16 News, reports that all three proposed sites would result in the city exercising imminent domain and buying property from private citizens.

“They are all are between the 3 research institutions, which is UALR, UAMS, and Arkansas Children’s Hospital,” said member Dickson Flake.

Leaders say they hope to build an urban park, similar to that in Winston Salem, North Carolina. It will sit on about 30 acres of land and eventually hold 40 companies. Each location would require board members to pay families to move out.

A decision on a final location is not expected until mid-2012. You can read more at this link.