Go Make Something Happen

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 51 views 

The Young Emerging Leaders launched their new year as a group with a Thursday night (Sept. 17) reception during which they unveiled their new logo and self-mandate — “Make Something Happen.”

Young Emerging Leaders (YEL) launched in September 2006, under the auspices of the Fort Smith Regional Chamber of Commerce, based upon a recommendation of the TIP Strategies report. The TIP report noted: “The creation of a Young Professionals Association should be a top priority for the Chamber.” According to the report, the purpose of such an organization should be to “develop networking opportunities for professionals in the area.

YEL has about 260 members, according to the most recent report, with its membership open to those between the ages of 21 and 39.

About 50 members of the group gathered at the Town Club in downtown Fort Smith for the reception.

Travis Lea, YEL chair, said recent feedback from YEL members indicated a clear desire that the organization be more active. Lea said the feedback resulted in the new logo and Web address (makesomethinghappen.org) which should soon be active. To begin the process, Lea encouraged YEL members to get involved in one or more of the four councils — marketing, membership, networking and leadership and professional development.

Casey Maxey, a YEL member and employee of the Fort Smith chamber spoke briefly about the new group logo and challenge to get invovlved.

“We really want to make something happen in our communities,” Maxey told the group.