The wild Tarantino delivers Nazi killing, a story line and Brad Pitt. It’s a trifecta.

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The Trav & SHE movie of the week: Inglourious Basterds
“Julie and Julia” is playing at the Malco Cinema 12 and the Carmike 14 in Fort Smith, and the Malco in Van Buren. Link here for ticket info and show times.

Trav: This week’s movie picked for review is “Inglourious Basterds,” the Quentin Tarantino project that has been in the works for mor than a decade. With a title like that, you’re probably wondering just what exactly is this movie about? Well, it’s a full out Taratino-esque story of a group of Jewish-American soldiers that wreak havoc across a 1940’s German occupied France during World War II. Oh yeah, it stars Brad Pitt.

SHE: I wasn’t sure about the title. I mean, c’mon Inglourious Basterds? I can just hear George Clinton throwing out “Inglourious.” Perhaps, that’s where Tarantino got his inspiration, but Basterds? Really? I’m always thrown off by bad spelling, whether it’s a title, business name, sign. I just don’t like it: Krazy Kuts, Darq Tanz, Mechanix & Detail Shop. However, I reserved judgment so I could spend some time with Brad Pitt in France. You would do the same.

TRAV: To say I was anxious to watch “Inglorious Basterds” would be a huge understatement. I’ve been a Tarantino fan since I watched “Reservoir Dogs” in college.  If he’s behind the camera I’m going to see the movie. When a Tarantino flick hits theaters it’s a given I’ll be in attendance on opening weekend. I’ve had my two favorite Tarantino films for a while now with Dogs and “Pulp Fiction.” While I wouldn’t say I was disappointed or even let down by the past couple of Tarantino features, they were good, but not great. I went in expecting a glorious return to the Tarantino classics with Inglourious Basterds and was not let down.

SHE: You say “Reservoir Dogs,” I say my first marriage. Whatever. I caught Quentin on CBS Sunday Morning and was also looking forward to watching his latest release. It had already been a great weekend – plenty of friends, family, sleep and carbs. I was ready to top it off with a fantabulous movie. What? Bad spelling, you say? That is the correct spelling for fantabulous, look it up.

TRAV: The opening scene makes a statement and is full of emotion that sets the tone for the movie. It’s a powerful introduction to our villain, Colonel Hans Landa, played brilliantly by Christoph Waltz. We also meet our heroine, Shosanna Dreyfus (portrayed by French actress Mélanie Laurent), and learn of her emotional back story that sets fire to her plot at revenge. Our introduction to Lieutenant Aldo "The Apache" Raine (Pitt) and his army crew of "basterds" is memorable and intense with comical undertones. You quickly learn this brutal crew is all about catching killing Nazis and bringing home some souvenirs.

SHE: “Inglourious Basterds” opens like the movies of old.It starts with the credits and the list of actors. This is telling me to sit back and relax. Tarantino isn’t going to jump in and get my attention immediately because he doesn’t have to. He is the conductor of the symphony and is going to slowly build up the anticipation. The imagery and cinematography is meticulous. The sound and details are extraordinary and lend to the complicated yet engrossing tale.

TRAV: Tarantino has a knack for creating memorable characters. Sure, Aldo the Apache and Colonel Landa are the main attractions, but Hugo Stiglitz is this movie’s dark-horse favorite. Tarantino can always take violence to a disturbing level and he absolutely goes to some really dark places to put some of the these scenes on film. Just when you think you’ve seen disturbing, he takes it up another notch.

SHE: There is no doubt that this film, naturally, any Tarantino film is going to be brutal and gruesome. Yet, there is depth to the characters. And, between Tarantino’s creative dialogue and the actors’ brilliant performances, the violence is not gratuitous. I found myself smiling and often laughing. I wanted to know more about them; I wanted more time with these characters.

TRAV: In a Tarantino film you know it’s about to be "on" when the random rock song blares over the theater speakers. As David Bowie’s "Cat People" hits the speakers, buckle up. You are now heading for the the crescendo.

SHE: Indeed, David Bowie singing, “putting out the fire with gasoline,” and you know, something’s about to go down! I don’t want to spoil anything for those who have not seen it yet, but there is a scene where the movie audience is laughing at what they are viewing – Ah, the irony of us, the movie audience laughing at what we are viewing!

TRAV: Well here it is. “Inglourious Basterds” gets my first 5 out of 5 rating. Tarantino’s latest flick is definitely worth the cash. Colonel Landa is the perfect villain and Aldo the Apache and his crew are full of enough badassery to end the second world war. The movie is full of impeccable dialogue penned by Tarantino and the direction is on point throughout. I’m ready to watch it again. The 2.5 hour runtime will not keep me away, as a matter of fact, I cannot wait to go to the theater for a second viewing.

SHE: I’m with Trav on this one. I took my 5 snacks in and left with all 5 because I was so absolutely immersed in the Battle Plan of the Apache Resistance. That means “Inglourious Basterds” warrants 5 out of 5. I completely LURVED it! I am ready to rally up my own Basterds, be them inglourious or otherwise, and see it again to catch everything I missed the first time. Who’s with me?

• Inception (July 16, 2010)
Trav: After resurrecting the Batman franchise, Christopher Nolan pretty much "has me at hello." This was a teaser for his latest movie starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Leonardo DiCaprio. It looks like a scifi style action flick which is full of awesome.  I cannot wait.

SHE: I can definitely wait but I can’t deny this flick looks pretty okay. “Has me at hello?” Trav? Dude? Something you want to tell me?

• The Wolfman (Feb. 10, 2010)
Trav: Even though it stars Benicio Del Toro and Anthony Hopkins it looks more like Wolfmeh to me.
SHE: Me no likey. Maybe if we get a re-edit of the trailer, I’ll rethink it but right now it’s not looking good for the hairy beast.

• Halloween (Aug. 28)
Trav: The trailer for this movie actually looks promising. I just have to remember it’s written and directed by Rob Zombie.
SHE: Wait? That was the trailer? It looked like they showed the entire movie. What else is there to see? Seriously?

Trav can can be reached at [email protected]

SHE can be reached at [email protected]