Tolbert: Another Poll Shows Cotton On Top

by Jason Tolbert ([email protected]) 141 views 

In the tight race for the U.S. Senate between Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor and challenger Republican Rep. Tom Cotton, a series of polls have trickled out over the last few weeks mainly from GOP leaning pollsters.

The consistent result has been a slight lead for Cotton.  That trend continued today with a new poll from Arkansas based Impact Management Group, who consult primarily for GOP candidates.  They surveyed 1,290 voters on June 2, 2014.

In the Senate race, they found Cotton leading Pryor by four points.  Top line results are…

Sen. Mark Pryor 43%
Cong. Tom Cotton 47%
Undecided 10%

While both candidates did well with their bases, the survey found 56% of independent voters preferred Cotton to 28% for Pryor, giving Cotton a two-to-one lead with this important group.

Other good news for Republicans in the poll are that 45% support a Republican candidate for Congress compared to 38% preferring a Democratic candidate.

In addition, Obamacare remains unpopular in Arkansas with 63% having an unfavorable opinion compared to only 30% with a favorable opinion.  Sen. Pryor’s vote for this legislation and his continued support present problems for his campaign.