Cook: Arkansas Democrats Could Purposefully Elect Weak GOP Nominees

by Michael Cook ([email protected]) 119 views 

“Every battle is won before it is ever fought.” – Sun Tzu, paraphrased.

The primaries are less than a month away and Arkansas Democrats find themselves with a unique opportunity – they could pick the Republican opponents they’d like to face in November.  Arkansas Democrats could conceivably win many battles in November by taking action this May.

Under Arkansas’s election law, voters can cast a ballot in either the Democratic or Republican primaries. Which means Democrats could easily cross over this May and vote in the Republican primary. If Democrats are smart they’d vote for the weaker Republican candidates.

This year it’s the Republic Party with the most contested primaries on the Congressional and statewide level, while Democrats only have one major contested primary.

Although the GOP primaries are not chock-full of quality candidates battling it out for various nominations, so Republican bragging rights are limited. Often it’s just one credible candidate facing a non-factor candidate, e.g. Asa Hutchinson vs. Curtis Coleman. Or the GOP Attorney General primary: Who? vs. Who? vs. Who?

There is only one statewide Democratic primary contest this year – the gubernatorial race. But as with the Republican gubernatorial contest, it’s one credible candidate vs. a non-factor candidate. Democrats recruited highly qualified and capable nominees for all other statewide offices. The same goes for the Democratic nominees in the 1st, 2nd and 4th Congressional Districts.

There are very few legislative Democratic primaries this year, giving Democrats even more opportunities to cross over and vote in the Republican primary. Instead of staying home on May 20, Arkansas Democrats could head to the polls and pick the Republican candidates easier to beat in November. Democrats could win before the battle is even fought.

It’s not unusual for one political party to get involved in the other party’s primary. For example, on Twitter some Republican legislators and operatives waste no opportunity to promote the candidacy of Mike Ross’s opponent by tweeting or re-tweeting stories where she is mentioned. They do it on purpose to create minor headaches for Democrats.

Arkansas Democrats can trump all of this by crossing over and voting in Republican primaries. It wouldn’t take many voters in the grand scheme of things to make a difference. Just 15-20,000 Democrats statewide purposefully voting in the Republican primary would be a game changer.

What would an ideal Republic slate for Democrats to face in November?  I complied a list of Republican candidates likely to be weak opponents in a general election.

Weak Republican Candidate Slate
Curtis Coleman

Lt. Governor
Andy Mayberry – Debra Hobbs is not a stronger candidate than Mayberry, but her gender might be an advantage in a general election.

Attorney General
David Sterling – All three GOP AG candidates are shockingly weak, but Sterling is too extreme for the general election.

State Treasurer
Dennis Milligan

State Auditor
Ken Yang

2nd Congressional District
Conrad Reynolds

If Arkansas Democrats act strategically by crossing over and voting in the May Republican primary, they could reap major rewards this November.

The battle could be over before it is even fought.