Cook: Hypocrisy Over Gambling In The State Legislature (UPDATED)

by Michael Cook ([email protected]) 192 views 

In 2013, State Senator Missy Irvin voted to allow Arkansans to legally gamble on the Internet. State Senator Jimmy Hickey also voted to allow folks in our state to legally gamble on their home computers via the Internet.

These two State Senators obviously support online gambling since they voted for Act 350, which allows Oaklawn and Southland to accept wagers on the ponies or the greyhounds from Arkansas citizens via the Internet. Moreover, a person can now legally wager on any race being run anywhere in the country and they can use their credit or debit card to do so.

So it was with great surprise when I read media stories this week where these two Republic Senators opposed allowing the State Lottery to begin operating electronic monitor games. Electronic monitor games “allow a player to buy a ticket and view drawing results that are displayed on a screen every four minutes.”  This is similar to Keno and the director of the Arkansas State Lottery says these games are needed to increase college lottery scholarships.

However, Senator Hickey made an unusual motion in Tuesday’s legislative oversight committee by asking the group to declare its opposition to these new games. The motion passed on a voice vote.

Irvin was quoted in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, and made the point again later on her Facebook page, that she believes electronic games could lead to mini-casinos. Irvin said she was concerned it would encourage “addictive behavior.”  I guess gambling on horses on the Internet is not addictive behavior.

It’s the hypocrisy that is galling. Here are two state senators who actually voted to allow online gambling to benefit Oaklawn and Southland, but yet they oppose expanding the lottery to create more college scholarships.

How do these two Senators justify such blatant hypocrisy?

I’ve asked them to clarify or expound on their logic. If they respond to my request, I’ll update the story and add their comments.

There are certainly other legislators who are in the same boat of hypocrisy as Hickey and Irvin, and some of them are Democrats, but these two are the most vocal on the lottery electronic monitor game issue. By the way, these are not interactive games, nor are they slot machines.

The good news is on Wednesday the State Lottery Commission voted to pursue adding monitor games and ignored the desire of the legislative oversight committee, which they have the right to do.

Finally, a note to all state legislators. If you oppose gambling, at least be consistent in your position. Don’t vote for Internet gambling to benefit the multi-millionaire racetrack owners, but then oppose gambling to help college students obtain scholarships.

UPDATE:  Sen. Hickey responded to my request for clarification on his vote for expanding gambling at Oaklawn and Southland, but his opposition to the lottery’s expansion.

“There is a huge distinction between the two. The Lottery Commission’s decision is a huge expansion of gambling to be located at multiple retail establishments throughout the entire State. Act 350 did not expand gaming. It merely provided an avenue through an Arkansas account to enable Arkansas to realize revenue on proceeds that were otherwise already flowing to different states. Thanks for the opportunity to respond,” Hickey e-mailed Cook’s Outlook.

Still waiting to hear from Sen. Irvin.