Cook: Tom Cotton To Arkansas: ‘None Of Your Business’

by Michael Cook ([email protected]) 103 views 

Congressman Tom Cotton sure loves getting his face on national media and talking with big-time reporters. The most dangerous place to be is between Cotton and a TV camera for any national media outlet, he’ll run you right over for the chance to pontificate on just about any topic.

But talking with Arkansas reporters?  Not so much.

Buried in a Monday Arkansas Democrat-Gazette article were a couple of paragraphs that sum up Cotton’s attitude on being responsive to questions from Arkansans.

The article’s topic was on whether or not to grant citizenship to those who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children. These folks have lived their lives in the U.S. and it’s a question our country must soon settle on whether or not to grant them citizenship.

The state’s only statewide paper requested an interview with Cotton on this subject, but he declined to do so through a spokesperson.

I guess Cotton is too busy prepping for his next Meet the Press appearance to talk to the folks back home on a subject that has a direct and significant impact on our state.

Cotton’s Communications Director, Washington D.C. native Caroline Rabbitt, was quoted this way in Monday’s article:

“On Thursday his spokesman, Caroline Rabbitt, said Cotton was “out of pocket.” Asked where he was, Rabbitt replied: “none of your business.”

Cotton’s office could have easily replied with something along the lines with he’s tied up in meetings, busy doing the work of the Fourth District, etc. We don’t need to know the exact location of an elected official at all times, unless you’re Mark Sanford, but we’d like to know that our leaders are at least doing their job.

Instead, I think in a moment of rare candor, we discovered Cotton’s attitude to answering legitimate questions from Arkansans: None of your business.

A mistake the Arkansas Democrat Gazette made was having a reporter from a state-based paper ask for an interview. They should have had Wolf Blitzer or Sean Hannity make the call, Cotton would have done an interview then.

Cotton has only been a Congressman seven months and he’s already “gone Washington.”