Arkansas Municipal League Picks New Officers, Honors Cong. Womack

by Stephanie Baker ([email protected]) 84 views 

The Arkansas Municipal League, which represents more than 500 cities and towns across the state, elected its new slate of officers for the 2013-2014 year.

Pea Ridge Mayor Jackie Crabtree was elected president. Little Rock Mayor Mark Stodola was elected first vice president.

Other officers elected for 2013-2014 include:

  • Piggott Mayor Gerald Morris, District 1 Vice President
  • Jacksonville Mayor Gary Fletcher, District 2 Vice President
  • Bentonville Mayor Bob McCaslin, District 3 Vice President
  • Hope City Manager Catherine Cook, District 4 Vice President

The League named Congressman Steve Womack (R) its Person of the Year for his work supporting the Marketplace Fairness Act, which would allow states to collect sales tax from online transactions.  Womack is lead sponsor of the legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives and is the former Mayor of Rogers.