Jonesboro Sun: Letter From Rep. Hubbard Accuses Democrats Of Nazi Tactics (UPDATED)

by Roby Brock ([email protected]) 285 views 

It would appear that Rep. Jon Hubbard (R-Jonesboro) has written a new letter to the editor to the Jonesboro Sun.

Hubbard, whose writings on slavery, education and immigration have been at the center of state and national controversy, accuses Gov. Mike Beebe (D) and Attorney General Dustin McDaniel (D) of using tactics similar to Hitler and Nazis in the 1930’s.

The letter to the editor appears below:

Nazi machine

Does all of this political propaganda being put out by Gov. Mike Beebe, Attorney General Dustin McDaniel and others remind you, even a little bit, of how Hitler took control of the minds of the German people in the 1930s?

Look at what this Democrat political machine is doing to me, Loy Mauch, Charles Fuqua and now also to John Hutchinson. I think the scariest part of this is how they have mobilized and orchestrated their army to destroy Charles Fuqua’s fundraiser, which was scheduled for Tuesday night in Batesville, by having their people call the restaurant and threaten to protest if that fundraiser was allowed to take place. As a result, the restaurant owner called Charles Fuqua and canceled his fundraiser.

Regardless of one’s political persuasion, this reeks of Nazi-style political intimidation, and it will grow totally out of control if allowed to run unchecked. Is this what we want here in Jonesboro, in Arkansas or in the United States of America?

This is a first-hand example of how a political machine operates, and I think the people of this state need to be made aware of what is happening right before their very eyes!

Right now, it is happening to me and these other Republican candidates, but next time, it could be you or your family or anyone else who gets in their way!

Think about it!

State Rep. Jon Hubbard

Gov. Beebe (D) responded to the most recent controversy from Hubbard saying his comments could have a “chilling effect” on economic development opportunities for the Jonesboro region.

Attorney General Dustin McDaniel (D) said he doesn’t think Hubbard is fit for office.

“These types of rants are precisely why I believe he is not suited to serve in the General Assembly,” said McDaniel.

UPDATE: Republican Party of Arkansas spokesperson Katherine Vasilos tells Talk Business, “Our position has not changed from our previous statement.”

On Saturday, Arkansas GOP Chairman Doyle Webb said, “The reported statements made by Hubbard and Fuqua were highly offensive to many Americans and do not reflect the viewpoints of the Republican Party of Arkansas. While we respect their right to freedom of expression and thought, we strongly disagree with those ideas. It’s unfortunate the Democratic Party of Arkansas is attempting to hold onto one-party control by engaging in distractions that do nothing to put hardworking Arkansans back to work and rebuild our economy.”

Webb did not call on Hubbard to step down on Saturday and it appears that position remains.

However, local Democrats are calling for the resignations of Hubbard and Craighead County GOP Chair Billie Sue Hoggard, who has defended Hubbard throughout the controversy.

Benton Smith, Chairman of the Craighead County Democratic Central Committee, issued a release this afternoon.

“It has been an embarrassing week for the citizens of Jonesboro and Craighead County to deal with.” says Smith. “Representative Hubbard’s remarks and his outrages claims that democrats are Nazi’s are not only disturbing they are dangerous. Chairwoman Hoggard should push her committee to follow Chairman Webb and Congressman Crawford in denouncing the racist beliefs of Representative Hubbard or resign from her position immediately. This isn’t a political issue. It is an issue of right versus wrong and they are simply wrong.”

“Representative Hubbard should resign and withdraw from the election after embarrassing our great city in national news over his backwards and outlandish comments. We need a Representative that will put our award-winning schools like Jonesboro Public Schools and ASU in the national press,” Smith said. “Representative Hubbard clearly can not be trusted to set education policy for our local schools when he has chosen to attack our hard-working students, parents, and teachers in this offensive and backwards way. If Rep. Hubbard continues to push this backwards agenda in the state legislature, our children attending public schools could be faced with detrimental consequences.”