Ms. Adverthinker: Apps To Improve Productivity

by Roby Brock ([email protected]) 178 views 

Hard to believe that the iPhone is turning just 5 years old.

The revolutionary product was first launched on June 29, 2007 and has since catapulted to a $160 billion a year industry for tech firm Apple.

The San Jose Mercury News reports:

When Apple first unveiled the iPhone, though, many failed to see the technological tsunami it would trigger.

Some analysts called it “overhyped.” Others saw it more as a toy than serious computing device like RIM's BlackBerry, so beloved by its users that they jokingly referred to it as the “CrackBerry” because of its addictive features.

On Thursday, RIM announced plans to cut 5,000 jobs by the end of its fiscal year after another dismal quarter of plunging revenue. Nokia, meanwhile, has announc

ed it will slash 10,000 jobs by 2013.

“Both of those companies — Nokia and RIM — are facing extinction,” said Sterne Agee analyst Shaw Wu.

With the fast-paced evolution and adoption of the iPhone, the number of apps it has spawned have allowed users to conduct business more efficiently as well as manage personal endeavors.

On last week's Talk Business, Emily Reeves, Director of Digital Strategy and Planning with Stone Ward Communications, joined me to discuss apps for improving productivity.

Wunderlist, Evernote and Reeder are among the apps discussed. You can watch our full interview at this link. Reeves web site, Ms., is also a great source for tech, marketing and social media trends.
