Survey: Most Arkansans opposed to proposed cap and trade legislation

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 49 views 

Arkansans are almost split on their opinion of global warming, but they are clearly opposed to the proposed cap and trade legislation that was approved in the U.S. House of Representatives and is under consideration in the Senate.

According to the new polling information from Roby Brock at, 56% of Arkansans “somewhat oppose” (17%) or “strongly oppose” (39%) the cap and trade legislation.

The new poll was conducted through a partnership with Brock, and Little Rock-based political consulting groups The Political Firm and The Markham Group. Brock and his is a content partner with The City Wire.

The questions posed in the survey were:
Q: I am going to read statements about global warming. Which one comes closest to your opinion?

47% Scientists mostly agree that global warming is happening and that it will harm the environment.
41% There is a lot of disagreement between scientists about global warming and how serious its effects are on the environment.
7% Neither
5% Don’t know

Q: Congress is currently considering legislation that would force utility companies to generate as much as 25% of their electric power from renewable sources like wind and the sun. Experts agree that these rules would result in higher electricity bills for Arkansans. Would you support or oppose this legislation?

14% Strongly support
20% Somewhat support
17% Somewhat oppose
39% Strongly oppose
10% Don’t know

Q: If you knew that a member of Congress voted in favor of these renewable energy requirements, would that make you more likely or less likely to vote for that member of Congress for re-election?

33%  More likely
49%  Less likely
18%  Don’t know

Link here to Brock’s analysis of what the poll numbers might mean for U.S. Sen. Blanche Lincoln, who today (Aug. 5) announced her opposition to the cap and trade legislation.

You can also link here for information supporting cap and trade legislation, and link here for information opposing the legislation.