KARK: This Week’s Winners And Losers

by Michael Cook ([email protected]) 91 views 

This morning I appeared on KARK-TV’s Wednesday Wake-up Call, along with Bill Vickery, to give my picks for this week’s winners and losers.

For my winner this week, I went with the obvious choice:  Mitt Romney.  With Romney winning both Iowa and New Hampshire it makes him almost impossible to stop on his march toward the Republican nomination.  Now Democrats will start defining Romney as a flip-flopping elitist who enjoys firing people.

My loser for the week was the City of North Little due to the announcement from long-time Mayor Pat Hays that he is not seeking reelection.  Hays is a tireless advocate for his city and he deserves much of the credit for the growth and redevelopment of the Argenta area.

Vickery and I had fun disagreeing on a few topics and the back-and-forth we had on Obama vs. Romney and the national debt was entertaining to watch.

Click on the image below to watch mine and Vickery’s picks.