UALR Chancellor Replaces College of Business Dean

by Roby Brock ([email protected]) 95 views 

Dr. Joel Anderson, chancellor of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, released a short e-mail Friday afternoon announcing he would replace the dean of the school’s College of Business.

“After much consideration I have concluded that a change in leadership of the College of Business would serve the interests of the College. Therefore, Dr. Jane Wayland will serve as Acting Dean of the College replacing Dr. Tony Chelte. This change is effective immediately,” Anderson wrote.

“Dr. Sandra Robertson, Interim Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, recommended Dr. Wayland’s appointment after consulting with leaders in the College of Business, and I have approved the appointment. Dr. Wayland, currently chair of the Department of Marketing and Advertising, previously served as Interim Dean of the College during 2007-2009. I ask that all faculty and staff in the College of Business give Dr. Wayland your full support and cooperation.

“I continue to be proud of the College of Business and the high quality educational programs and services the College provides the community and state. I am most appreciative of the faculty and staff in all units of the College for your dedication and hard work. During lean times you have maintained the College’s momentum, and I know that will continue,” Anderson said.