Arkansas Democrats Long For Clinton Days

by Talk Business ([email protected]) 91 views 

Great column this weekend from the AP’s Andrew DeMillo, who seems to have his finger on the pulse of Arkansas politics as well as anyone else in the Arkansas mainstream media. He looks at the ClintonMania still felt as strong as ever among Arkansas Democrats. We saw this on parade this weekend as they celebrated the 20th anniversary of Clinton’s announcement that he was running for President.  Here is one key part

Democratic Congressman Mike Ross, who started in politics as a driver for Clinton, said the message is more about the future than trying to relive the Clinton days.

“It gives hope to those of us who are Democrats and hopefully serves as a reminder that the Democratic Party has a very diverse group of people within it…I think we can learn from that,” Ross said.

When asked whether Obama could live up to the Clinton standard, Ross responded: “I don’t know.”

“We’ve got record deficits and an economic recovery that is moving way too slow and leaving way too many people behind,” Ross said. “Is that all his fault? No, but he is the president of the United States, so he has to accept at least some responsibility for that.”

The truth is Arkansas Democrats want to pretend that the last two Presidents were Bill Clinton and Jed Bartlet.  Barack Obama? Never heard of him. 

I also find it quite comical that they are touting how bipartisan they are and highlighting any vote that makes them appear conservative.  They dismiss anything that makes them look liberal as some sort of cheap partisan trick that will drive Arkansas to become like Washington.

It seem like their new motto is – "Vote Democrat: because sometimes we vote like Republicans!"

For a preview of ads that Arkansas Republicians will likely run next year, see the ad below from the Republican Governor’s Association linking the Democratic candidate for governor in West Virgina to the implementation of ObamaCare.  Their special election is Tuesday.