Report: Nuclear Power’s Contributions To U.S. Energy Policy, Economy Undervalued

by Talk Business & Politics staff ([email protected]) 114 views 

The nation’s nuclear energy fleet contributes $60 billion annually to gross domestic product (GDP), in addition to other economic and societal benefits, according to a new study conducted by economists at The Brattle Group.

The report estimates the value of the entire nuclear industry to the U.S. economy and its contribution to limiting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

The research concludes that the nuclear industry accounts for about 475,000 full-time jobs (direct and secondary).

In addition, energy generated from nuclear plants prevents 573 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions. This is worth an additional $25 billion annually if valued at the U.S. government’s estimate for the social cost of carbon.

“The economic and environmental benefits of nuclear energy are often undervalued in national and state energy policy discussions,” said Dr. Mark Berkman, co-author of the report of the Cambridge, Mass.-based economic consulting and research firm.

The study, called “The Nuclear Industry’s Contribution to the U.S. Economy,” was prepared on behalf of Nuclear Matters, an industry advocacy group.