The ‘replacement’ Party

by Talk Business ([email protected]) 69 views 

Like just about everybody I know, I do like a fun party and over the years I’ve attended dozens of political receptions and fundraisers. However, I’ve never attended a "replacement" event that was organized because the first one broke federal campaign finance laws. 

You may recall I wrote numerous stories about a Republican Caucus fundraiser that broke various Federal Election Commission regulations.  Through various missteps by Republican leaders they turned a one-day story into a five-to-six day story. 

Today, Roby Brock visited with Representative David Sanders about the replacement fundraising event the House Republican Leadership PAC is holding in Little Rock next week at the expensive and massive home of a prominent local banker.

Sanders tells Brock that all of the money received from the first event has been returned. The replacement event on Tuesday features Congressman Tim Griffin, Lt. Governor Mark Darr and all the Republican state legislators.  They’ve also got some big money sponsors such as Tyson and J.B. Hunt. 

I’m sure everyone will have a nice time at their replacement reception next week and I hope everyone gets plenty of confetti spinach dip and asparagus tips wrapped with prosciutto. In their honor, I think I’ll just hit a local BBQ joint next Tuesday and anyone is more then welcome to join me.