Ross Rips Colleagues In Final Speech Before Announcement

by Talk Business ([email protected]) 94 views 

Rep. Mike Ross had a high profile press conference on Monday morning where he announced that he would not seek re-election in the 2012, with most speculation that instead he will run for governor in 2014. But the Saturday before this announcement, Ross tossed some red meat to the Arkansas Democratic faithful at their annual Jefferson-Jackson dinner and he held nothing back regarding his Arkansas colleagues from the other side of the aisle.

After saying how much he missed former Rep. Vic Synder, Ross joked about having to fly back and forth to Washington with Republican Congressman Tim Griffin and Rick Crawford.

“Tim Griffin already thinks he is running for the U.S. Senate and Rick Crawford still has got that deer in the highlights look,” said Ross. “Sen. Pryor you will be just fine.”

Ross said that after Congressional redistricting, the Second Congressional District is the most Democratic district in Arkansas and “there is no reason that Tim Griffin – a Republican – should be serving in the Second Congressional District.” He continued that the First Congressional District in the second most Democratic district and “there is no reason that Rick Crawford should be allowed to be re-elected in the First Congressional District. In fact, governor, the Republicans have got this country so screwed up I am starting to think that we might even win the Third Congressional District.”

Ross went on to blame the downturn in the economy on former President Bush followed by the Republican take over of Congress. Praise was offered for former President Bill Clinton while the current President Barack Obama was never mentioned.

Ross also presented a check to the Democratic Party of Arkansas for $10,000 which I assume came from the funds he had previously raised for re-election.

You can view other speeches from the Democrat’s J-J Dinner on their YouTube page linked here.