Bryan and Darrow live on in Evolution vs. Creation debate
A recent Harris Poll indicates that there is no consensus among Americans on the belief in evolution and the belief in creation through a God.
The Harris Poll surveyed 2,158 U.S. adults in early February, finding that 45% believe humans were created directly by God, 29% saying they evolved from other species and 25% who aren’t sure or declined to answer.
“Two hundred years after the birth of Charles Darwin, Americans are still deeply divided on the subject of evolution and whether humans evolved or were created directly by God, as in the story of Genesis. But it isn’t a neat division of opinion. Some people give inconsistent answers to different questions about evolution and what should be taught in schools,” according to a statement from Harris Interactive.
Other results of the Harris Poll include:
• People in the South and people who describe themselves as religious (67% of all adults) are less likely to believe that humans evolved from earlier species than are people in other regions or people who are not religious.
• There is no consensus on what should be taught in schools. The largest group (40%) favors teaching both Darwin’s theory of evolution and creationism. Only 23% believe teaching only Darwin’s theory and an even fewer 17% favor only teaching creationism.
• Almost half of the public (45%) are concerned that scientists need to be careful so that they do not influence evolution in ways that would be harmful.
“Our reading of these poll results is that the 23% of the public who believe that only Darwin’s theory of evolution should be taught in school are solid believers in his theory, and that the 17% who think that only creationism should be taught are solid believers of that theory. That leaves more than half the public who have some opinions on this topic that are not clearly thought out or firmly held,” Harris pollsters noted in the statement.
This Harris Poll also asked people which of the two men who were born on the same day, Feb. 12, 1809, Charles Darwin or Abraham Lincoln, had the more important impact on earth and the human race. By 3-to-1, most Americans pick Lincoln – 60% to 19%. Lincoln also was rated as America’s best president in a Harris Poll in February 2008.