Tea Party Meeting In Opposition to Tax Payers Dollars used to build luxury free housing

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Monday the 25th at 6 p.m. at Creekmore Park's Recreation Center. The Tea Party is holding an information Seminar on the City of Fort Smith's proposed use of Tax Payers dollars to help build luxury townhomes for the Housing Authority. Costing an average of a staggering $160,000 apiece, persons with low incomes will be allowed to live a lifestyle many of us have to work hard at everyday to even have a chance of obtaining. ALL WITH YOUR TAX DOLLARS. The rents are even subsidized to include utilities! If you are a hard working American who is tired of supporting the extravagant lifestyle of those who live off of the State, that is to say those of us who actually DO PAY TAXES AND NOT JUST GET 5 FIGURE "INCOME" TAX RETURNS, then this is a must att  end meeting! Be there to protect your children's future!