Tilley: A Natural Gas Solution

by Talk Business ([email protected]) 99 views 

Michael Tilley with our content partner, The City Wire, uses his weekly "Riff Raff" column to explore recent arguments that America could do much to increase its energy independence by harvesting more natural gas domestically.

He notes several timely conservative studies that lay out blueprints for progress on the home energy front, but the obstacle is not environmental, business nor determination.

One problem arises, however. Congress. They’ve proven recently their inability to, within a trillion-dollar budget, compromise over the spending of a couple of billion dollars. Obama and Congress couldn’t agree on how to change a light bulb, much less do anything responsible toward crafting a holistic and pragmatic energy policy.

I’d say we frack Congress, but that well is already polluted.

It’s a damn shame when the potential energy to power this country to a more independent and prosperous position is trapped in the wasted energy of whatever it is that now passes for federal governance.

You can read his full take at this link.