Dallas Overnighter

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Kick up your heels at legendary Southfork Ranch, made famous by the Ewing Family in the television series Dallas. See the gun that shot J.R., Lucy’s wedding dress, the “Dallas” Family Tree, and Jock’s Lincoln Continental. Mix music and masterpieces with the Dallas Museum of Arts’ Thursday nights live Jazz in the Atrium. Take the V.I.P. tour at Cowboys Stadium and check out a private suite, the media press box, the Cotton Bowl office vestibule, the Ford Motor Company Fountain, the Miller Lite Club, the post-game interview room, the Cowboys locker room, and the Cheerleaders locker room. The Galleria Dallas is like everything in Texas – BIG. Enjoy world class shopping and see all sorts of sights, even an ice skating rink. Hang on to your cowboy hat. 2 nights hotel and 2 dinners included.
Thurs-Sat, Mar 21 – Mar 23 • (3 days, 2 nights, hotel checkout Saturday morning 11 a.m.).
Registration deadline Mar 01
CRN: 6200 • $459
CRN: 6235 Single • $609
Please call 479-788-7220 to register prior to class date.